
List of all Riesel-Primes: (2012-03-07)

Here is a *.ZIP file (534 kByte) with all primes of the Riesel Data Section in LLR-input format (one k-n-pair per line sorted by n).
It contains 7532 k's with 171032 primes all over.
Note: These countings do not correspond with those from the Statistics-page, because the Data Section contains many k-values without primes!

List of all Proth-Primes: (2011-07-08)

Here is a *.ZIP file (485 kByte) with all primes of the Proth Data Section in LLR-input format (one k-n-pair per line sorted by n).
It contains 5000 k's with 149539 primes all over.

List of all Twins: (2012-03-08)

Here is a *.ZIP file (12 kByte) with all Twins listed in the Data Section in LLR-input format (one k-n-pair per line sorted by n).
It contains 3551 twins all over.

LLRnet V0.73 (2010-05-26, supporting cLLR with V3.8.1 only)

Here you can download the newest version of this tool (3.3MB).

LLRnet V0.72 (2010-03-30, supporting cLLR with V3.8.0 and earlier)

Here you can download the version of this tool (3.3MB).


2010-05-25: V0.73
Changed: To cancel x pairs, the script called llrnet x-times. -> llrnet now loops over all pairs, so only one call needed
Deleted: Files 'gui.lua'/'gui.bat'/'llr-guiconfig.txt' and all code-lines for GUI-support are deleted. Not needed anymore
Deleted: File 'fox.gui' deleted. Not needed
Fixed: File 'workfile.res' also deleted after cancelling
Changed: File 'llr-clientconfig.txt' only contains parameter server, port, username and WUChacheSize. Others not needed
Changed: Many commented lines (for testing, error finding) and not needed code in *.lua-files deleted
Fixed: Cancelling all WUCacheSize-reserved pairs not list in lresults_hist.txt for info (only on screen)
New: Some scripts to start server/client and clear folders from old files
Changed: cLLR V3.8.1 creates workfile.res (found primes) only when a prime was found -> changing in do-script

2010-03-30: V0.72
Fixed: Script deleted tested pairs, when server died -> tosend.txt will now remain and sent
       to server with next start of script
Changed: When cancelling, pairs are written in lresults_hist.txt as info

2010-03-25: V0.71
Added: Option 'OutputIterations' (default 10000) set at beginning of 'do.bat' -> cLLR uses immediatly

2010-03-12: V0.70
First offical public version
Fixed: When cancelling pairs, a found prime was not printed in 'primes.txt'

2010-02-26: V0.64
New: Options for settings LLR-Iterations, sleep, beep, individual primelogging

2010-02-24: V0.63
Changed: When LLRnet can't conncet to the server, try again forever (not only 5 times)
New: Prompt most important settings (server,port,username,...) at first

2010-02-23: V0.62
Fixed: llrnet.lua: DialogWithServer print pair (Fetching WU #1...) only when successful
Fixed: do.bat: set counter waitloop=0 at start
New: Beep 3 times when batch ended (no CTRL-C pressed)

2010-02-18: V0.50
Changed: Handling with Server-Client in llrnet.lua

2010-02-14: V0.4
New: Printing date/time in lresults.txt with command 'set'
New: Beep when prime was found
New: 5 attempts if no connection to server
Changed: File 'primes.txt' only created/added when prime was found

2010-02-12:  V0.3
New: Printing prime in extra file 'primes.txt'
Changed: Commenting outputs from llrnet.exe
New: Date/time in lresults.txt

2010-02-11:  V0.2
New: Errorhandling
New: Commenting outputs from llrnet.exe
New: Option 'OutputIterations' set in llr.ini

2010-02-10:  V0.1
First private version