Riesel and Proth Prime Database (RaPP Db)

These pages won't be updated anymore, all data will be transferred to the new Prime-Wiki by time.

ATTENTION: The tables on Riesel Prime Search are outdated (only for k < 300 updated) and not under my control.

The intention of these pages is to collect all known Riesel (k · 2n-1, odd k) and Proth (k · 2n+1, odd k) prime numbers
and related information like Mersenne primes, twins, Sophie Germain or Woodall.

There are also many data about different projects searching for those primes and their efforts (GIMPS, RPS, NPLB, 321Search, 15k and others).

These pages were created and will be updated by K. Bonath ().

For reserving and reporting your progress on Riesel-numbers see also the Forum at Mersenne.org.

Latest news:
2018-12-07: A new Mersenne prime 282589933-1 was found!
2018-03-13: New page for Carol/Kynea Search included (with display-options, all bases≤3000, statistics)
2017-12-26: A new Mersenne prime 277232917-1 was found!
2016-01-07: A new Mersenne prime 274207281-1 was found!
2015-05-18: Tested 2000 < k < 2300, 600k < n < 700k: 61 primes found (35 new); partly doublecheck of RPS Drive #11
2015-03-10: Pages for Home Prime Base 12 and Home Prime Base 16 included, thanks to E.Robinson
2014-10-16: Tested missing pairs of Free-DC Drive #1 for 3400 < k <4000, 400000 ≤ n ≤ 540000: 75 primes found, 25 new
2014-10-04: Riesel Prime 502573·27181987-1 found by D.Iakovlev (PrimeGrid)
2014-10-02: Riesel Prime 402539·27173024-1 found by W.Darimont (PrimeGrid)
2014-08-04: I've included 946 new primes, 70 verified in the range 3000 < k < 4000, 200k ≤ n ≤ 400k
2014-07-03: New page for Biggest Puzzles included (299 Puzzles with 5000 pieces and more)
2014-06-04: New page for RPS 3rd MegabitDrive included
2014-01-31: New page for RPS Drive #12 included
2014-01-31: Page for RPS Drive #11 completed
2013-12-27: Riesel Prime 40597·26808509-1 found by F.Meador (PrimeGrid)
2013-11-04: New page for NPLB Mini Drive #5 included
2013-10-11: Riesel Prime 304207·26643565-1 found by R.Ready (PrimeGrid)
2013-10-09: Riesel Prime 398023·26418059-1 found by V.Volynsky (PrimeGrid)
2013-09-19: Values for 15000 ≤ n < 17000 from R.Pierrard added to the page First odd k twin for k·2n-1
2013-09-05: 2714 new primes (out of 13771) for 3010 < k < 4000, n ≤ 200000 from O.T.Santandreu inserted
2013-06-10: Page for NPLB Drive #10 completed
2013-03-22: New page for OEIS A057207 included
2013-03-14: New page for Home Prime Base 9 and HP-Overview included
2013-02-28: New page for NPLB Maxi Drive #1 included
2013-01-25: A new Mersenne prime 257885161-1 was found!
2012-11-23: On page First odd k with Sophie-Germain values for 4001 ≤ n ≤ 10000 added
2012-10-24: New page for Home Prime Base 8 included
2012-10-22: New page for Home Prime Base 7 included
2012-08-04: New page for Home Prime Base 5 included
2012-07-03: New page for Home Prime Base 4 included
        older entries: see History